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Complete guide Yoga Mudra – Introduction, Significance And Types

According to Sanskrit texts, mudra means ‘gesture’. There are different types of mudras in yoga. Some are hand-related, while some are face-head-related. Most yogis practice mudras along with asanas. It is believed to add more power to the asanas. Mudras mainly stimulate the nerve endings that are located in the fingers, adding more balance and improving overall well-being. Yoga Mudra can be combined with deep breathing and meditation as well. 

Let us decode, how the mudras work and impact the mind and health of an individual. 

How Do Mudras Work?

Mudras have a connection with the brain, and that is why their practice can remove blockages, stimulate the release of mood-enhancing hormones, and boost vitality. You will find a mention of the mudras in the Vedic texts as well. It is quite rampant in Buddhism as well. If you study the human aura, in the realm of holistic sciences, you will come across different sheaths or layers. Mudras have the capacity to link each one of these. Additionally, if you practice mudras on a daily basis, it can help in the proper circulation of the ‘Prana’. Each mudra works on a different part of the body and impacts it. 

Anyone can practice yoga mudra, either with asanas, meditation, or plain breathing exercises. The most commonly practiced mudras are the ones that you do with your hands and fingers. It is important to exert the right amount of pressure, to gain maximum impact. Only then can you experience the flow of energy. You can practice a different mudra type each day, and hold it for a good 10-15 minutes for maximum impact. It is important to practice mudras after receiving some formal guidance from a professional. This way, you will be able to unearth all its benefits and also pave the way for the awakening of the Chakras. 

List Of Mudras With Pictures 

So, by now you are well aware of mudras and their significance. But before we decode the different types, it is important to know about the corresponding element associated with each mudra. 



    • The thumb is associated with the fire element. 

    • The index finger represents the air element. 

    • The middle finger is associated with space. 

    • The ring finger is associated with the earth element. 

    • The little finger is associated with the water element. 

When you practice mudras, the fingers act like electrical circuits. They can control and manipulate the flow of ‘Prana’, while promoting healing. When you practice mudras, you can seal off the energy in a particular region. 

Categorically speaking, there are five different ones. 


    • Hasta mudras – These are hand gestures and the ones which you will most commonly see. You can practice them with Pranayama and meditation. The practice of hasta mudras redirects the movement of energy from the hands to different body parts. The common ones are Chin mudra, Jnana mudra, and Vayu mudra. 

    • Mana mudra – This is the second type of mudra, which refers to the gestures made by the head. You will get to practice them in Kundalini yoga and meditation. These mudras also incorporate the eyes, ears, nose, lips, and tongue. 

    • Kaya mudras – These are postural mudras, which are combined with asanas and breathing. Viparit Karani mudra is one of them. 

    • Bandha mudra – As the name suggests, you have to combine these mudras with bandhas, which are energy locks. These help in the redirection of energy to specific parts of the body. Moreover, you can also get ready for Kundalini awakening, through the practice of these mudras. Maha mudra is an example. 

    • Adhara mudra – These mudras send energy from the lower parts of the body to the upper parts. Vajroli mudra and Sahajoli mudra come under this category. 

                Common Mudras In Yoga 

Gyan mudra images

Gyan mudra : It is also called the Knowledge mudra. You can practice Gyan mudra with all sorts of meditation. The index finger tip and the thumb tip come into contact with each other. And the other three fingers remain free. You can increase your brain power and concentration, through this mudra. 


vayu mudra images

Vayu mudra: Governed by the element air, you can do this mudra in any position. In this mudra, you have to fold the index finger, while the thumb folds on the former. The remaining three fingers stay extended. This mudra is an excellent gas remover and aids in alleviating many other digestive issues. 


Prithvi mudra images

Prithvi mudra:  Practice this in the morning time, for maximum efficacy. You can sit in meditative positions and just rest the palms of the hands on the knees. The ring finger tip and the thumb tip join, in this mudra. The other three fingers remain extended. This is an extremely energizing mudra. It is also believed to strengthen weak bones.


Varun mudra images


Varun mudra:  You can practice this mudra, to enhance your natural beauty. It has great effects on the quality of the skin. You have to bring the tip of the little finger and the thumb in close contact with one another, and press. The other fingers remain free and extended. This mudra balances the water content in the body and also positively impacts fluid circulation


Prana mudra images

Prana mudra: This is the mudra that symbolizes the spirit of life. You must practice this mudra in a quiet room, to get the best results. Bring the tips of the little finger, ring finger, and the thumb, together, exerting little pressure. Practice for 15-30 minutes, for all the benefits. 


Final Words: 

Mudras are very powerful, but you need to learn how to use them. If you join a yoga teacher training course at one of the most renowned yoga schools, Namaste Yoga School, then you be able to get the best knowledge and guidance. Practice mudras to get the best out of your yogic practice today. It will simply change the way you live.

Abhrajita Mondal

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